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My favourite piece of technology

Technology is present in every area of our lives. Seems to be omnipresent and moves forward quickly. If I had to choose one piece of technology, it could be the cell phone or mobile phone.
Cell phone is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls while people is moving within a telephone service area. There are many designs and shapes of cell phones and every year bring us news and advances.

Since the 70’s this device brings us an essential part of life: long distance communication. Today, the cell phone has amazing features taken from sci-fi movies: real-time video calls, allows us to take pictures in high resolution, record audio, call more than one person at a time, listen to music all day long if you want, check social networks, play games, watch movies and some are even water resistant.

Despite all that, I like simplicity. I use my cell phone several hours per day to check social networks, watch videos and series, call my friends, and send messages.

My cell phone is easy to use, comfortable to carry in my pocket and allows me to do basic things and more. It’s a Motorola Moto e6 plus and I’ve had it since the summer. I know that without it I could lead a normal life, the only thing is that it would limit the communication especially in these times of pandemic.


  1. Hi Sebastian
    It is incredible to think how cell phones have advanced and modernized, I think that is why they become increasingly necessary for our lives, especially in contexts such as today.

    1. Yes, man is impressive how technology is present in everyone!

  2. Hi Seba!

    It is impressive to see how cell phones have changed over time. What was your first cell phone?

    1. Hi Belen, my very first cell phone was a indestructible Nokia with lantern

  3. Hello buddy, the dependence we have on cell phones its very big. What is the application you use the most?
    Regards king!!!

  4. Hello Sebas! the cell phone is also one of my favorite devices! What music application do you have?

  5. Hi Sebi!, the phone is my favorite too!, i think that is amazing that we can give it many uses but, what would you add to your phone to make it 'the best'? or do you think it doesn't need anything else?

  6. I agree with you that cell phones can be our favorite piece of technology. But you don’t think it’s also the biggest problem we’re in?


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